Cornell Data Science


Cornell Data Science (CDS) is an undergraduate project team which builds data-driven solutions to a variety of real-world problems. Current initiatives range from building an in-house self-driving car system to building an AI agent to play Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Our team of 92 students is a great place to meet people with diverse interests, gain experience at the intersection of theory and application, and contribute to the greater community initiatives.


Our team is made up of 92 members and works on many areas of machine learning and data science. As a result, we have a total of four subteams: Data Science, Machine Learning Engineering, Data Engineering, and Quantitative Finance, each with their own primary area of focus.


Our members are the most important aspect of the team. From freshman to graduate students, our members come from five different colleges and numerous different majors. Come meet all 92 of us!


Education is front and center to the team. We want to make data science accessible to all students at Cornell. Educating both our members and the general Cornell community is extremely important to us. Check out the course we teach, read our blog, attend our Data Talks, or watch our Deep Dives!

A special thanks to our sponsors: